Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Welcome to students of the course blog  Making Secondary Mathematics Meaningful at OISE/UT in the department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning. (And welcome guest bloggers, too!)

For those who have never tried it, blogging is pretty easy and intuitive once you get started. You’ll need to know how to:
1. create your own posts
2. modify your own posts
3. comment on other people’s posts
4. read other people’s posts
5. keep track of comments – on your own posts, and when you comment on other people
Students, please experiment during the first week of the semester to try out these different functions. Try writing a first blog post to introduce yourself to all of us, and then make a small change by editing it. Also, feel free to comment on this post here to try out the comment function. For tips on writing compelling blog posts, see Sue Waters’ post on theedublogger newsletter.
A word about privacy: the blog is readable by *anyone* who has the web address, but it is not indexed in search engines. The reason I set the privacy this way is so that you can set up an rss feed to keep track of posts and comments. If you are uncomfortable having public information displayed here, you should use a different google account than usual, or make sure that your displayed username does not reveal any information you would prefer to keep private.

I think that’s all that I can think of for now… please ask any questions below, or send me an email at my oise email address.
Looking forward to working together this year!


  1. i can see myself as a follower of this blog how can i become a contributor?

  2. Hi, Enza, it looks like you accepted my invitation, so you are an author of the blog and able to post. If you 'sign in' with your account, then at the very top of the page you should see a button that says 'New Post' - if you click it, you can start a new post. Or, leave a comment on someone else's post.

  3. Hi all

    I have participated in many a threaded discussion in online courses, but this is my first blog. I have subscribed to an interesting blog on teaching algebra (fischbowl) - however I have never responded and usually catch up on the reading over holidays. As I struggle to make my teaching more meaningful to my students it is interesting to see others struggles and even their different interpretations of what meaningful means.

  4. Hi, just trying to "keep up". Time is very precious for teachers these days and through the use of blogging I have been able to motivate my students (increasing student's turn around time for handing in, editing and completing written work), but I am still struggling with the best ways to use blogs for assessment with descriptive feedback that saves me time. Maybe as I participate in this blogspot more ideas will emerge (one which already has is the use of a blogfolio).
